Recipe: Accidentally Low-Calorie Banana Coconut Cupcakes
Okay, so when it comes to vanilla butter cake, chocolate cake, orange almond cake, lemon coconut and the rest of my go-tos... I have regular recipes I use all the time.
Banana cake is a different story.
It is SO hit and miss with me, and every time I make a good one, I lose the recipe immediately.
This madness ends today.
We had a metric shittonne (12) of blackening bananas at work and so I decided to take one for the team and make cake. (Don't stress, my fans at work, the cupcakes are coming this afternoon!)
When I'm searching for a banana cake, I usually just google the ingredients I have that I'd like to include. Example: banana coconut butter cake. Or: banana cinnamon coconut oil cake. Whatever you have in stock that you'd like to use, the wonderful internet will provide.
Today I wanted to use up some aging desicated coconut and I had a load of fresh butter (huzzah!)
So The Google sent me this recipe:
Thanks, Google.
Now, I didn't make icing and I didn't make a whole cake for two reasons: I am lazy and also rarely leave enough time to bake a whole cake.
So, cupcakes it was.
The cool thing about cupcakes is, a recipe spreads further. Unless you're giving away the entire cake yourself (i.e you plan to partake), then I find this REALLY helpful. Why? Because I want my cake and my favourite jeans, too.
This is a big recipe and I easily got 17 cupcakes out of it. Sure, if you made a square cake you could probably get 16 squares, but in terms of portion control and also 'cuteness', I find cupcakes are better.
Plus they cooked in 20 minutes instead of 50. Which equals cake-in-face-faster.
I pasted the URL of the cake in the recipe section of My Fitness Pal (because = nerd), and at 17 serves, these little babies came out at 228 calories each. TOTALLY doable.
And the verdict? BLOODY DELICIOUS. A great amount of banana. So important to use ripe bananas, but not rotten bananas. I have made many a rotten foot tasting banana cake!
I had one with my morning coffee along with my brother, who's over painting my bathroom today.
What a guy!